Monday, March 2, 2015

Who is Grace and why walk with Her?

Grace is my friend, and she is an amazing friend. 
Her coming into my life is something I would not trade
 from anybody else and to anybody else.
 Grace is someone I cannot live without.
Grace taught me a lot of things, to wash and iron my clothes,
 to comb my hair, to brush my teeth. 
She also taught me of wearing make-up and heels if needed, 
and just to be simple in my every day walk. 
Grace gave me that feeling to be beautiful, and to remain beautiful, 
to be someone who is confident of herself, whatever she wears, 
whoever she is with, and wherever she goes. 
Grace supported me in my physical walk in life.
But more than that, Grace is also interested with my heart. 
She allowed me to open my heart and search the broken pieces of it.
 She literally took off layers of layers of negativity in me. 
She constantly reminded me not only to be beautiful from the outside, 
but also in the inside. She looked at me beyond my miserable life.
 She asked me to release everything that is not good 
and acceptable in me, all my wrongs and my dark secrets. 
Only Grace able to know how am I before, my troubles, 
the pains I came across with, my excuses and my bloody sins.
 But despite of that all, Grace accepted me without hesitation. 
She kept me as her friend, and she treated me more than a real sister. 
She had me at my worst, but loved me best.
 She keeps no record of my wrongs; 
she is so kind and patient in me.
Sometimes even if I go back to my wrong doings, 
she still accepts me; she does not give up on me.
 She encourages me to rise and walk again with her. 
Grace is so understanding, so kind, so loving, 
so merciful, forgiving, accepting and she is so amazing.
 She is Jesus for me and Jesus in me. 
Without her I would not be able to live my life today. 
She is my constant companion, 
my friend, my sister, my peace maker, my adviser, 
my mother, my Savior, my Jesus Christ.
 And every day of my life, I would not just walk with the beauty Grace taught me, 
but also walk with the cleansing and forgiveness Grace gave me.
In my life, it is not me walking alone, 
but I am walking with Grace. 
And so this blog is named.
 To all my readers I hope you’ll find Grace here too.